Save Time and Money with Fully Integrated Solutions! 第二部分:

Kill Floor Integration for Abattoirs –

我们的系列介绍强调了在工厂车间实施现代集成解决方案如何帮助食品工厂节省时间和金钱,同时提高工厂效率. Food plants can vary greatly from abattoir facilities to further processing plants.  本博客关注的是中小型食品厂或屠宰场设施的屠宰车间的现代解决方案集成.

The Kill Floor can get a lot of bad press. Transparency and visibility on a Kill Floor are vital to help abattoirs survive. They regularly face an obstacle course of government auditors, 生产商的要求, religious ceremonial requirements and political activists. 因此,一个完全集成的数据采集系统可以成为屠宰场设施的真正生命线. By implementing an integrated data capture system, 屠宰场可以实时掌握通过其设施处理的每只动物或动物批次的信息. 像卡莱尔的工厂ERP这样的解决方案为加工者或屠宰场提供了从动物接收到最终产品销售的完整产品可追溯性.

一个典型的解决方案是将多个组件集成在一起,用于捕获屠宰和动物/胴体信息. Plant floor ERP software, 活体动物鳞片, 胎体钢轨秤, RFID标签读取器, 条形码扫描仪, 标签打印机, 和称重/标签拉菲2注册登录都需要集成在一起,形成一个完整的解决方案.

动物收到 & 识别

Many small plants are still manually scheduling and receiving animals into their facilities. 无论操作人员是亲自书写还是使用电子表格记录动物信息,人为错误都很有可能对记录的数据产生负面影响.

With an integrated plant floor ERP system, like 拉菲2在线登录注册’s 拉菲2注册登录™, 动物调度和接收被整合在一起,使前厅和接收谷仓之间无缝连接. 批号标签可以打印并与动物一起保存或贴在动物围栏上,以帮助识别接收批号. These lot tags follow the animals as they move from the barn to the Kill Floor.

Depending on the abattoir, the collection of the animal harvest information can vary. 有些工厂想要获得所有进入工厂的动物或动物群的活的或接近活的重量. 而其他屠宰场则希望从动物的热重开始数据收集.

当处理大型动物或有个体识别标记(如耳标)的动物时, most abattoirs want to get a live or near live weight of the animals. 在活的或接近活的尺度上,接收批次标签与每只动物的耳标签一起被扫描. All of this is done while the animal’s ear tag is still attached to the animal. This helps prevent a mix up with animal identification. 将动物耳标与每个接收批次相关联将有助于耳标退役和胴体产量数据的收集. 一旦批次标签和耳标签被扫描,动物被称重,就会产生胴体标签. Each animal in the receiving lot will have its own unique carcass tag. The carcass tag will follow the animal’s carcass to the hot scale.

如前所述,一些屠宰场将以高温规模开始数据收集过程. 如果是这样的话, then they will need to manually keep track of which carcass is associated with what ear tag. The hot scale station will need to be able to associate the ear tag, receiving lot and hot weight all together to get a hot weight carcass tag.

The Hot Scale: Carcass Weighing and Labelling 

The hot scale is a key place to capture data about each carcass. Hot scale weighing and labelling solutions, like 拉菲2在线登录注册’s 毅联汇业™ application, have the ability to record attributes about each carcass or carcass side. These attributes will indicate details about the animal’s health, age, or carcass demerits.

胴体被挂在热秤上称重后,胴体已被去除头和皮,并被完全清洗. For larger animals the carcasses are typically split into two sides and weighed separately. 操作员将从现场或附近的现场站扫描胴体标签,以拉起正在称重的正确胴体. If it has been split, the operator will indicate which side is being weighed. Carcass attributes are assigned to the half being weighed, and the hot weight is recorded against that carcass or carcass side. A new carcass tag will be printed out and pinned to the carcass. 新的胴体标签将显示热重量,并将胴体一侧与原始胴体联系起来, ear tag and receiving lot. 热重与活重/近活重相结合将为屠宰场提供准确的胴体屠宰率.

The Cold Scale: Weighing & 产量报告

Whether or not an abattoir facility has a cold scale is dependent on many variables. Most small processors don’t use a cold scale. This is because the additional scale can be expensive, and the physical limitations that come with doing an additional weighment of each carcass. 他们通常也缺乏适当的数据收集能力,因此不值得花时间尝试计算胴体冷重的产量.

Carcasses lose a significant amount of weight in the first 24-48 hours of being cooled. This happens because water is lost as the carcass goes through the cooling process. The amount of shrinkage can greatly vary depending on animal species type, 脂肪百分比, and ambient conditions inside of the cooler.  

当冷规模集成到解决方案中时,集成工厂车间ERP解决方案收集的数据可能是一笔巨大的资产. Abattoirs gain the ability to see the average shrinkage rates of their carcasses. 这有助于屠宰场减少平均收缩率,允许他们纠正较冷的条件,如果需要的话. 它还为向生产者出售屠宰和联合包装服务的屠宰场设施提供了更多数据. If abattoir facilities rely on yield reporting, 然后,冷秤为他们提供了另一个数据点,使他们能够计算和报告由于收缩而损失的胴体质量.

Issuing Carcasses into Production

A plant floor ERP system, like 拉菲2注册登录™, 这是为屠宰场和食品加工商设计的,将提供从动物接收到成品生产的可追溯性和产量报告. Each of the various data-collection points mentioned above aren’t necessarily required, but they provide more visibility for yield reporting. 只对胴体屠宰百分比感兴趣的屠宰场,在将胴体发放到切割层之前,只会使用活体/近活体站和热秤. 还采用冷秤的屠宰场将能够看到胴体屠宰百分比和冷却器中发生的收缩百分比. 在胴体完成冷却时间后,它应该准备好投入生产.

钉在每具胴体上的胴体标签将用一个唯一的序列号来识别胴体或侧面,该序列号可以追溯到原始动物或接收批次. That same tag can be used to scan the carcass into production batches. 大多数生产设施将在一个生产批次中发放多个胴体或侧面.

On the cut floor as a carcass is being broken down, the cuts will be weighed and labeled either by piece, 盒子, 或组合. Weighing and labeling solutions like 毅联汇业™ will allow the operator to select which production batch the cuts are correlated with. This will associate each piece, 箱或组合返回胴体或一组胴体扫描出冷却器并进入生产批次.

Capitalize on carlisle technology’s experience!

很容易看出采用现代集成解决方案的价值,该解决方案可以帮助捕获Kill Floor数据,并通过屠宰和进一步处理跟踪尸体. The data collected provides valuable information back to the abattoir or processor, and it gives them full visibility into the history of each carcass or receiving lot.

拉菲2在线登录注册 has over 30 years of experience in developing, 配置, installing and supporting fully integrated plant floor solutions. 这些解决方案已经帮助无数食品加工商减少了低效率,提高了产量. Weighing and labeling solutions like 毅联汇业™ and a plant floor ERP type system, like 拉菲2注册登录™ are purpose-built for abattoirs and food processors to enhance productivity, provide traceability and improve plant floor efficiency. With an integrated kill floor data collection system, abattoirs can survive the obstacles arise from internal and external requirements. 

Written by: Andy Cumpton, Sales and Marketing – 拉菲2在线登录注册

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